


“While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence — which, I believe, does make the woman."
Mary Kay Ash



Hello beautiful people, hope u had a great weekend.....and a good start on your week.

Mine started on a low note....thanks to the abrupt weather change. For that reason I didn't have the right energy to take pictures of my outfit today. But no worries, I'll be better prepared tomorrow. 
For now though,I'll just make a post on my final day during the School trip #Travel Diaries.

The final day was the return journey with a slight detour to Taita hills. I wasn't so excited by taking photos, so this post will be a  bit shorter than usual.


Hi y'all

This post comes a bit late, but  am very excited to finally talk about travel and tourism. Its all about promoting the beauty and cultures of our vast country.

This was a typical school trip, and as educational as it gets....full of youthfulness and craziness. Amidst all that, I got time to experience nature(something I love so much) and play dress up without a care. 

Well, to avoid confusion (both to you readers and even more to myself), I will break down this trips' events and outfits into 4 posts for each day.

Enjoy it all (the outfits, the animals, the landscape, and mother nature).


Clearly, my day started on a very high note...the fuchsia should tell you that. I bought this sweater dress a few months ago and finally wore it to the trip. The blue circular skirt always has me in a free spirit mood, it was perfect for this first day of the trip.

I study Tourism at the Technical University of Kenya (finally I can admit that and don't judge). Anyone who has been there knows time keeping is not their strongest suit. Having stated that, it took us almost 4 hours before we left the college grounds. That left loads of time for me to take these pics, and boy, wasn't I happy to do that.

This is me and my dear friend Janet. From the look of this, a trip for us is not complete without a dose of sugar from the closest sugarcane vendor. At this point, I  could not get my act together on posing for the camera...just had time to savor the cane and biscuits......with this diet, I could only hope that my skin would forgive me for the damaging effects.

Yep, that was at the junction to Machakos........or rather Kyumbi for the natives, which am not. Take keen notice of these educative junctures in this post cause God knows how much effort it took me just to internalize them.

Now, this is where photo confusion came in. My morale for photos was on a decline trend since morning....#tripblues. Anyway, this was upon arrival at Amboseli National Park, my hair was a big mess and I was in no mood to do anything about it. And do not let the clumsiness in posing fool u. On the inside I was overjoyed to be at Amboseli, reason - the Amboseli elephants among other wildlife in this ecosystem.

Fuchsia sweater dress -Thrifted
Navy blue skirt - Gikomba
Brown and beige belt - Gikomba
Beige fringe booties - Thrifted randomly

Well, these are the animals we managed to view.....
A Grey Crowned Crane.
At first I confused it for a Secretary Bird....be sure to not to do so when you travel to this National park.

An elephant feeding in the swamp.

Part of a large herd of elephants.
The baby elephant is just adorable, just imagining the huge transformation in size when it's all mature.

A huge Amboseli Elephant.

Same huge Elephant had people cracking their ribs in laughter for obvious reasons.
This is definately one of those unexpected moments that you can only experience in the wild.....compare it with seeing a cheetah chase after a gazelle, your trip will be memorable.
Well, we had hoped to catch some of that wild cat action, but we didn't. So i had to settle for this.

A Common (Buschells) Zebra and a Wildebeest

Mt. Kilimanjaro in the backdrop.

DID YOU KNOW: 1. Amboseli National park is one of the best places to view the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro as opposed to Tanzania.
2. Amboseli National park has one of the largest single herd elephants.
Well, now you know.

It is definitely a must visit.
Hope you learned something about the Beautiful ecosystem in Amboseli. Visit the park when and if you can, promote domestic tourism in the country. #TembeaKenya

Look out for the next post soon.
