

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Photography by David Julius Photography
Greetings to you, all who grace the blog today with your presence.
I hope you have been faring well, that despite all you feel blessed.

After such a drought here on the blog, there seems to be hope for it's future after all. Hope which I had lost hours after my daughter passed away exactly 5 months ago. In the moments that followed her sudden demise, I had nothing else to do but reevaluate my life. One of the things I considered was taking down this blog and all my social media,because for a while I struggled to reconnect with the person I was when I started the blog. Instead, I decided to just put a pause on everything until I was thinking clearly because back then I was too overwhelmed by grief and my first instinct was to shut down everything.

Now, am thinking clearly and I see why I started the blog. I love fashion. However, in the future the blog might be a bit more diversified. Believe me, I still want to look pretty, wear nice clothes, take pictures and post them here. But in the last five months, I've learned that I should be driven by more. At first it might have been the drive to have a nice blog that was recognized. Now it's about having a positive impact on someone in whatever small way.

Speaking of a positive impact, let's shift to this blue dress and the power it had over my mood. Although the fascinator played a major role too. 

I wore this dress to my cousin's wedding some two months ago.
Now, everyone had been excited about my cousin's' wedding since last year, long before I was pregnant. Then I got pregnant (with that went my chances of being a bridesmaid) and after doing my math I figured that Ivy would be about 3 months during the wedding. It would be like her debut to the family since at that point I could trust her immune system to fight bacteria out there with so many people, plus the entire extended family would be in one place. I had such huge plans for her on this date,she would have been my cute little accessory.

Then my plans crashed and burned. 
The wedding day didn't seem as important anymore. I actually didn't see any reason to attend. It would be the first time seeing my extended family, majority of whom had last seen me at 8 months pregnant and I didn't have the courage to face them at all. I didn't want to be put in an awkward position with questions I couldn't answer or crying every time I saw babies. My heart was just too weak for it.

A few weeks to the wedding, it occurred to me that there was a way I could get through it comfortably. I would go to my tailor and get a dress made. At first, I was more into the design so black was the default color. I am convinced that I am shades lighter in black, which is why it's usually my first color choice. When I got to my tailors', I ended up with four color choices: black, red,  blue and yellow. Long story short, I picked the fabric I wanted then asked her to buy it in a dark shade of blue.

That's how I ended up in this blue dress. I did not realize the role it played on my moods till I reflected back on my day and saw just how happy I was. Somehow, I drew my strength from this dress and my entire look. I was all smiles and laughter: there was no room for grief or sadness at all. I ended up having a great day in a place that I'd thought would torment me. In that moment of reflection, I remembered an article I once read where color blue was said to bring calm and happiness. I'm not sure if it still stands for the same today,but I choose to believe that this little dress in blue was my greatest source of joy on this day......the fascinator too.

To tone down the dress and the sheer pleats, I chose to pair it with brown and nude tones. 
Don't even ask about the accessories, because my accessory game isn't so good....I hope to improve that in future.

On a lighter note, the only reason I even have pictures (despite arriving late) is probably because I might have harassed the wedding photographers to take a picture or two, because nothing was going to bring me down. But am grateful that they did me this favour because I like the memory attached to these pictures.

 That is all for today loves. 
It might have taken so many words to convey this simple message "Power in color: colors can influence our moods", but I hope you enjoyed the post.

Hopefully I'll post a little more often.

Thank you for stopping by and stay blessed. 

Much love,


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  1. Love love the dress. You look so pretty and Cngratulations once again.

  2. Love the look, it's so elegant and delightfully beautiful.

  3. Good to have you back to blogging after what happened..pray that God continues to give you strength.
    The dress..ukichoka nayo you know who to give *wink* Blue is actually my fave color..you look absolutely stunning dear!


    1. Thanks Linda, He has been faithful in keeping me strong.
      Nikichoka nayo, I'll be sure to tell you.

  4. So sorry for your loss. She is smiling down at you. Take heart, all will be well.Welcome back

  5. Love it! Thank you so much sharing.

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  6. WOW....


  7. Glad to see that smile back! You are one strong lady.. But i know God has been your fuel and strength after this dreadful ordeal. We are here for you. Let me speak nfor myself. I am here for you.. Just incase you need someone to talk to Linet. Do not hesitate and drop a message. There is so much more to life than looking preety. You said that so beautifully.

  8. You look absolutely amazing.May his favor continue shining down on you because he knows your name and hears you when you call.. Lovely post dear

  9. Lovely blue dress outfit, Nice photos.
    New post

  10. Linet, thank you for sharing your honesty with us. My heart still aches for the loss of your daughter. 5 months is not a long time and I completely understand you need to reevaluate your life and your blogging journey. Take all the time you need, and you do look beautiful in this blue dress. Sending much love and prayers your way!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  11. Hey Linet, it's so good to see you back and smiling in that lovely blue dress. Life is constantly throwing us curves and how we get back up counts. You are one fab and strong gal. I'm so glad you didn't take down your blog. I love reading you. You made the right choice, this royal blue dress is stunning and you have a winner smile darling.


  12. Beautiful feminine dress! I love electric blue!
    More greetings from MissGrey.ro

  13. Am sorry about the demise of your daughter. I would tell you that things happen for a reason but you already know that, so imma tell you to have beautiful memories of your daughter and think of her as being with the angels. I love that you took time out to re-evaluate about your life and blog and I can't wait to see how you revamp the blog. I love the dress and the color. The nude shoes and fascinator adds a toned vibe to the look.

  14. So in love with the dress and your smile!


  15. Amazing color of dress! IS a nice outfit for a beautiful girl!
    Please take a look on MissGrey.ro for more inspiration!

  16. Linet you beautiful and brave like always!


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