

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Photos by Kevin Cheptala

Hi loves, hope you doing good. 
This month is taking forever to end [or maybe it's just me], but things are finally looking up.

Apologies for the last week, was really busy and barely had time to take pics let alone post on the blog. 

Today I went for minimal monochrome colors....just the basic white and black tones.

I've had these pants for months, had big plans for them but they can wait. White is a color am slowly growing to like.
 I got them from the streets, there are hawkers who sell tights along Tom Mboya (between Odeon and Tuskys Imara), I don't know the timings, but back when I bought this one it was 11 a.m , but I have bought others in the evening.

This mesh sweater is one of my favorite pieces although it hasn't been worn for months now. 

These sporty wedges are one of my oldest and most frequently worn pair of wedges, but for some reason they have never graced the blog...well, it's their time to shine. Got them in Gikosh for Kshs 100, quite the bargain.

A smile never hurt nobody....#JustSmile.

 I hate this lip color, tried it a few times before but it didn't feel right. Today though, I wore it with a smile and it didn't bug me all day. Lets just say, I finally learnt to work with it, by going minimal. Bright lip colors don't go so well with my skin tone so with this one I applied just one coat just to give my lips a hint of color.

Always love it when I remember to get a back view, cause I always forget. Yaaaaaay me!!!

Got these lovely midi-rings from Maasai Market. They look so ancient and historical...my kind of thing.

Mesh sweater - Thrifted
White pants - Thrifted
Sporty wedges - Gikomba
Midi rings - Maasai Market
Cat-eye Sunglasses - Stage Market
Necklace - Gifted
Earrings - Dubois

Thanks for passing by darlings, hope I don't take too long with the next post.

Have a great week ahead.



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