

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Photography : Ngash Sage Photography
Hi loves.

Happy New Month : February.
It's the month of love and I pray that love finds it way to you this month in whichever form it presents itself. Appreciate the little things that make you happy, not just this month but always.

I have some good news today. Prepare for a long post and bear with me.
I might have had some of you fooled all this while but am sure you all had your questions when I didn't blog for some time late last year. When I resumed blogging I happened to be the laziest person ever. These were all tell tale signs but pretty hard to guess.

Well, here is the reason why : I'm Pregnant. 
These pictures were taken when I was five months but am in my third trimester now and sporting quite a huge bump.

Flashback to sometime early last year when my pregnancy journey began in the subconscious. Whenever we went for the school trips, I had a habit of discovering thrift stores and thrift markets in the towns we traveled to. I always ended up buying some clothes so I'd remember the trips fondly. For the last trip to Samburu, my friends and I visited the Isiolo thrift market. Since majority of the population there are Muslims, I couldn't find any clothes that appealed to my taste.....half the vendors were selling Muslim themed clothes. In the process, my eyes shifted to baby clothes. I ended up buying a few baby clothes, just for fun......they were really cute. On our way back, we stopped at Nyeri for lunch and instead of buying food, I bought the cutest little hangers.....all I could think of was how pretty they would look hanging in my closet when I got home. At that particular moment I hadn't realized just how excited the baby clothes had me, or why. Now I know why.

I've always known that I want to be a mother someday, but I always overlooked the pregnancy stage. So when my test came back positive, I had very mixed feelings......I was happy and confused at the same time....mostly confused. On that very same day I shared the news with the closest people to me (my partner, my friend and my mum), and they were so supportive which took quite a lot of weight off my shoulders. 

After that came my biggest problem : Morning Sickness. This was a bitch sent from hell to torment me. All I did was eat, vomit and sleep just to get through the day. I didn't have the energy for anything else not even movies, reading or blogging. Everything took a pause. I honestly didn't enjoy the most part of my first trimester until the doctor gave me some Meds to curb the nausea and vomiting. My first lesson was; until you have experienced it, nothing ever fully prepares you for pregnancy. I have heard so many stories on morning sickness and everyone has their own experience. Some women just cruise through it, others have it worse than I did. 

Midway through my first trimester, the hunger pangs and cravings got more pronounced. Of all other foods in the world I just had to crave fries *sobs*. At some point I had fries almost every single day, it broke my heart but I couldn't help it. Because of that I've gained almost 15Kgs and the baby doesn't even account for 10% of that. Looking back now I know I should have had more self control. It took my partners intervention to stop me from eating fries....he sent me an article on how potatoes can increase your chances of getting gestational diabetes (a type of diabetes that occurs in 2-10% of pregnant women)........I haven't had a single fry ever since. For now I'll just keep up with my mango craving, I thank my mum for ensuring an abundant supply of mangoes and other fruits in the house. I've managed to go around the hunger pangs by having at least four meals in small portions per day since am always hungry every 2 hours.

As I got to the second trimester my bump started showing and from then I knew I would have a really huge bump. At some point my Mom would tease me and say, "Your bump is so big, those are twins". My Style dilemma kicked in as 75% of my clothes couldn't fit anymore. Luckily for me though, I've always had a big share of over size items in my closet. They pushed me through till halfway through the second trimester when I went shopping for more friendly/comfortable clothes. My wardrobe has worked for me so far without major changes, that way I can concentrate on the baby. Pants continue to be my best friend through this pregnancy since 90% of my dresses have adjusted to a very short height courtesy of the bump.

While growing up I never saw the beauty of baby bumps. So I always told myself that I'd stay indoors through my pregnancy. I was 9 years then and very naive. Am proud of myself for embracing my bump this far, I love it and am not afraid to flaunt it. 

My third trimester is proving to be the most physically uncomfortable yet. But am keeping the faith strong and enjoying it as much as I can. 

Do enjoy this post loves.

Long Sleeved top : Thrifted | Pants: Thrifted | Sleeveless Trench : Thrifted | Booties : Gikomba | Necklace : Stage Market | Bracelet & Rings : Masai Market

Would you believe this beautiful space is part of a washroom? 
It's so cosy, right?

Thanks for stopping by.

Much Love,


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  1. Many many many congratulations dearie. This is good news.. Wishing you all the best as you are almost due and a safe delivery. Cant wait to see cute photos of both of you slaying.

    1. Aaaaw, thanks love. I look forward to slaying with mini-me soon.

  2. I can say congrats as many times i can ..you know i can't wait .....

    1. The days are fast approaching dear, be prepared.

  3. Congrats dearie..!
    All the best in this journey of motherhood..


    1. Am very excited about this journey. Thanks dear.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you! And you look incredibly great!


  5. Wow!I never even guessed.You're going to be a mummy.Congratulations and I'm sure when you finally have your bundle of joy,all that will be worth it.

    1. Twas my little secret for the longest time. Glad I shared my story though.
      It will all be worth it am sure, thanks for reading Sophie.

  6. Linet! Congratulations darling. This is exciting. Don't worry about the fries and the clothes, this is a bigger deal. So eat away. You are positively glowing darling.

    1. I don't want to struggle with the after weight so I'll just eat healthier things, i'll eat away on the mangoes instead. Thanks for stopping by Idu.

  7. Congratulations my dear, pregnancy looks wonderful on you :) And so does that lipstick!


    1. Oh, I forgot all about the lipstick. Thank you dearie.

  8. Such cute photos! Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend! Loves!

  9. Loved reading your story! You look absolutely gorgeous. Hugs, Kait

    1. Aaaaaw, am glad you had a good read. Thank you Kait.

  10. Reading this post was pure bliss, I am very happy for you hun, am sure you will be an amazing mum because you were ready before your pregnancy anyway. Your baby will be lucky to have you as a mum! All the best darling and please call us for the baby shower so that we can do blog shoots for future memories. Thanks for sharing this important information with your readers.

    1. Thanks Meron, am glad you enjoyed this post.
      I guess our subconscious is prepared for anything way before we realize it.
      I'll sure do hun, if I do get around a baby shower....hopefully.

  11. Wow congrats on your lil blessing on the way. God works in mysterious ways and at the right time. All the best in your pregnancy Linet.

  12. Congrats on your little bundle of joy! Love your washroom btw lol. Have a great week!


  13. Absolutely gorgeous, you are radiant! Congrats, so much love and happiness coming your way! And btw, you are slaying that blue lip color!


  14. Lynet you are so beautiful and exotiques! Thank you for this post!
    Greetings from MissGrey.ro Romania!

  15. Congratulations linnet, you'll make a good mum.looking beautiful and amazing. Don't worry about the weight,keep eating healthy and glowing.

  16. First of all, CONGRATULATION!
    Second, thank you for sharing your story with us! Your baby will just be perfect!

  17. Linet, OMG! Congratulations! I am beyond happy for you! Becoming a mother is such a blessing! I have a 4 year old son and he's my everything! I love being a mother, I really do. I can't wait to follow along! Congrats again and much love!
    xxoxo, Vanessa

  18. Congratulations Linet! I don't know how this post slipped under my radar so long, because it's the best post ever! Having undergone the journey twice, I can so relate to how it's been for you. Hang in there, sounds like your little bundle of joy is going to be in your arms soon. ��������

  19. Congrats on the baby, your bump is so cute!!!


  20. I'can speak english very well but you look amazing
