

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Photography - Ngash Sage Photography
Good morning loves.
This is the last week of January and am very excited about it, I bet you all are.

Ever since I received my pictures from this particular shoot, I've had mixed feelings about this particular outfit. Why, you may ask. It has nothing to do with the clothes and everything to do with the lip color hence the title today. I have mentioned before that I love experimenting with lip colors and believe you me, I will paint the galaxy on my lips and walk out the door if it makes me feel good.
I was really excited to try out a green lippie and despite the slight disappointment with this look I didn't rule it out. Instead, I bought a darker shade of green which I found looks way better on my skin tone as opposed to the shade featured here. So after a huge debate, I decided to post this outfit....it can't all go to waste simply because I don't like one bit 100%. 

Anyway, I'll let you be the judge. 

On a more positive note, I really love this outfit. After looking out my window, I can't think of a better outfit to see me through the gloomy weather outside. I paired a long sleeved,V-neck tee with my favorite white pants. I went on to add hints of brown with a belt and these cute boots (raided from moms' collection). To top it off I added this grey crotchet 'faux fur vest' and my favorite bucket bag.

 Fur Vest: Thrifted | White Tee: Thrifted | White Pants: Thrifted | Boots: Gikomba | Bucket bag: Kabanas | Rings: Masai Market
Make-up: Wanjiru Mungai

Thanks for stopping by.

Much Love, 


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  1. Well it's great you finally decided to post the look.I've had such days when just for one or two reasons I shy away from posting certain looks.Being a blogger lol!Anyway I really love the white on white and the vest.The boots were such a great addition.Girl,it would have been a waste if you had decided not to post this.You look great

    1. Chronicles of a blogger, it ain't easy. I have quite the chunk of posts that never reached the blog but this particular one wasn't going to join that pile. Thanks for stopping by Sophie.

  2. hey dear you look lovely...i love the white on white and the twist of brown you put in...it looks amazing...i don't know why you scared to post coz for me i was so taken away by the look i didn't even concentrate on the lip color aniwai am glad you did post ...

    1. Haha. Thanks for the honesty dear, you of all people know how I feel about lip colors.

  3. Love your photos babe. You are sooo gorgeous! Have a fabulous weekend!
    Much love, Len

  4. hahahaha I'm like you, so many of my posts do not see the light of day on my blog for one reason or the other too. BUT girl, I'm loving this look, lipstick and all. FIIIIIERCE and fresh at the same time!

    1. Haha, tell me about it....I have loads of them.
      You are so kind Cara, now I don't hate the lip color as much as before.

  5. Lol!! You will paste the galaxy on your lips, you really made me laugh hun. I love the outfit and the grey fur vest and I believe the crazy green lipie came in handy because it adds edge and pizzazz to the elegant outfit. The white on white is totally a game changer!

  6. I love the white on white and the twist of brown you put in.
